Frequently Asked Questions

Course Work

  • Is it a requirement to take a foreign language?
    SUNY has General Education requirements in ten core areas. If you are going to graduate from a State University of New York college, you'll need a minimum of three units of an approved college level foreign language. Check with the individual requirements of the college where you are going to graduate.
  • If I want to be a teacher, do I have to study a foreign language?
    The State of New York presently requires six units of study at the college level in a foreign language. Most colleges in the Rochester area require that those six units be sequential in the same language.
  • Should I take a conversation course?
    Conversation courses are the ideal way to learn to speak a language. Conversation courses offer time and guidance in a supervised setting to speak the foreign language. Fluency, comprehension and self-expression are the focus, not grammar or spelling. At MCC, the 111 course cover the vocabulary and grammatical content introduced in 101. In that fashion, 112 pairs with 102, 213 pairs with 203 and 214 pairs with 204. Ideally, a student takes the conversation course concurrently with the core course (i.e. 101 with 111), but conversation courses can be taken alone when one has previously mastered the vocabulary and grammar for that level.

Language Testing

  • If I am fluent in a language other than English, how can I get credit for it?
    Monroe Community College is following a standard practice used by all colleges and universities in referring to the Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions as developed by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Students coming to MCC with verified transfer credit in any foreign language receive MCC credit in the form of General Elective, Humanities, or generic Foreign Language credit. Students coming to Monroe Community College without college or university transcripts of foreign language credit, have the following options:
    • Following are the options for students with fluency in languages taught at MCC who are seeking foreign language credit without college/university transcripts:
      • After consultation with the WLC Department Chair, the student enrolls in the appropriate level MCC foreign language course for credit and completes the course requirements, as stated in the Course Information Sheet. The instructor will determine the range of acceptable participation. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will receive both credit and a grade.
      • The student is referred to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) (only available in German, French, and Spanish), where up to 12 college credits can be earned. The student earns no grade, just credit. For more information on CLEP exams and local test sites, please visit the CLEP website, or contact Testing Services.

    • For students with fluency in foreign languages not taught at MCC who are seeking foreign language credit without college/university transcripts, we offer the opportunity to earn up to 12 college credits through Language Testing International (ACTFL), which offers the possibility of taking the test by telephone or online. The department chair will provide the student with the necessary registration information.  MCC Admissions Office will offer credit based on the score earned on the exam. The student earns no grade, just credit.

Advanced Studies

  • How can I study foreign languages beyond the level offered at MCC?
    Thanks to reciprocal agreements with area colleges, there are opportunities for full-time MCC students to take an advanced-level foreign language course at four-year colleges in the Rochester area. Please review our Cross-Registration information for details, or email the chair of the department, Cristina Rowle (, or call (585) 292-3340.
  • Does MCC offer dual enrollment courses in the Foreign Languages?
    MCC offers dual enrollment courses in French, German, Italian or Spanish at some of the area high schools through their College Now program. College Now/Dual Enrollment courses are taught by area high school teachers on the high school campus . The courses follow MCC's college curriculum for MCC college credit. Please review our College Now information on how to begin such a program at your area high school, or contact the coordinator, Cristina Rowley.

Career Opportunities

  • What can I do with a degree in Foreign Languages?
    Foreign language students can apply their skills in numerous ways. We've listed several sites with job posting looking for foreign language skills on our Career Opportunities page.


  • When is the Foreign Film Fest?
    The World Languages and Cultures Department organizes a Foreign Film Fest each spring and fall. Films are shown in French, German, Italian, Spanish and other world languages such as Farsi, Hungarian, or Mandarin. The event is free and open to the public.