GEO 101--Physical Geology-GR
4 Credits What controls the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains? Where does our drinking water originate? What forces shape landscapes to create caves, glaciers, and landslides? What natural resources are used to create the technology we love and the resources we need? How does this impact people, both locally and globally? This course answers these questions and more while investigating plate tectonics, the rock cycle, and the Earth as a system. Two field trips [in person or virtually] to study local geology are incorporated into lab each semester.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Apply Plate Tectonic Theory to a geologic setting. 2. Identify the role of geothermal energy in occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 3. Recognize features formed by interactions of Earth's subsystems. 4. Apply concepts related to the Rock Cycle. 5. Identify layers of the Earth. 6. Solve geologic problems utilizing age-determination techniques. 7. Identify the geologic processes that can cause natural hazards. 8. Interpret observations in the laboratory setting to identify rocks and minerals. 9. Interpret topographic maps to identify geologic features. 10. Analyze data in a field setting to answer geologic questions.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 102--Historical Geology
4 Credits Historical Geology is the study of the history of Earth and life through time. It addresses the Earth's origin, evolution, changes in the distribution of lands and seas, growth and destruction of mountains, succession of animals and plants through time, and the developmental history of the solar system.
Prerequisite: GEO 101 or permission of instructor. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Summarize the formation of the solar system. 2. Infer changes in sea level from stratigraphic sections. 3. Summarize the evolution of oceans and continents on the early Earth. 4. Identify collected fossil specimens. 5. Identify structures on geologic maps using strike and dip data. 6. Reconstruct ancient environments using rock hand samples.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 103--Great Mysteries of the Earth
3 Credits How do you sort fact from fiction? What evidence reliably supports the existence of legendary creatures, geologic cataclysms, or the role of humans in modern climate change? Through the investigation of alleged unexplainable phenomena, this course examines arguments supporting unresolved mysteries and key geologic insights. By exploring case studies, students will learn to recognize bias, evaluate sources of information, and critique the underlying evidence of extraordinary claims.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify an argument’s premise and supporting evidence 2. Recognize bias and logical fallacies in an argument 3. Deconstruct an argument’s interpretation of the facts. 4. Analyze an unsolved mystery using data, evidence, and reasoning 5. Distinguish science from non-science 6. Develop a testable hypothesis 7. Evaluate sources of evidence and their validity. 8. Explain geologic activity using plate tectonic theory 9. Differentiate between natural and human-induced climate change 10. Summarize major changes in biodiversity throughout geologic time.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 105--Astronomy
3 Credits An introduction to general astronomy. Topics include: solar system, stellar energy, stellar evolution, galaxies, the universe and constellation identification. Three class hours.
NOTE: This course meets SUNY General Education Natural Science and (Scientific Reasoning) SUNY-NSCI requirements when both GEO 105 and GEO 115 are successfully completed. GEO 115 may be taken concurrently or in a later semester, but will not have satisfied the SUNY-NSCI requirement until both GEO 115 and GEO 105 are successfully completed
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Produce an accurate diagram of the Solar System. 2. Define the electromagnetic spectrum. 3. Apply Wien’s Law to determine relationships between wavelength and temperature. 4. Compare and contrast refracting and reflecting telescopes. 5. Use a star finder/planisphere to identify key locations in the night sky. 6. Explain the causes of eclipses and lunar phases. 7. Use the absolute and apparent magnitudes of a star to determine its distance. 8. Use Kepler's Second Law to determine the orbital radius or period of an object. 9. Classify different types of stars using a temperature-luminosity diagram. 10. Describe the physical features of the Sun. 11. Explain the process by which the Sun generates its heat. 12. Explain current theories regarding the fate of the Universe. 13. Describe the overall evolution of the Sun as a main sequence star.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 106--Introduction to Oceanography
3 Credits An introductory course which will survey ocean sciences. Geological, chemical, physical, and biological processes and interrelationships will be examined.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Recognize that many scientific disciplines contribute to the study of the oceans. 2. Explain physical ocean features using the Theory of Plate Tectonics. 3. Identify physical features of the sea floor such as its topography, sediment type and distribution, or available resources. 4. Describe the properties of water, emphasizing how these properties change in presence of salt. 5. Compare and contrast oceanic circulation to atmospheric circulation. 6. Explain the physical forces that affect circulation and stratification of the ocean. 7. Analyze the forces that influence waves and tides. 8. List the environmental factors that control the distribution of the marine life in the ocean. 9. Compare factors that influence coastal environments. 10. Evaluate threats to marine or coastal environments.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 108--Dangerous Earth
3 Credits An introduction to the destructive power of natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanos, hurricanes, tornadoes and related phenomena. The origin and occurrence of such hazards will be examined. Recent disasters as well as catastrophic events in the Earth's past will be utilized as case studies. Methods of prediction and strategies for minimizing loss of life and property will be emphasized.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the differences between a natural process and a natural hazard. 2. Describe the relationship between natural hazards and population growth. 3. Explain the role of the Earth’s sub-systems in hazard occurrence. 4. Identify the distribution of hazards controlled by plate motion or atmospheric conditions. 5. Interpret field data to determine past and future hazards. 6. Determine precursors utilized in hazard prediction. 7. Identify methods used for monitoring potential hazards. 8. Identify methods used in hazard prevention.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 109--General Astronomy
4 Credits This introductory astronomy course includes topics such as the solar system, planetary geology, stellar evolution, celestial models, and constellation identification. Students will gain valuable experience in observational techniques and data analysis, fostering a deeper understanding of the cosmos and the scientific methods used in astronomy. This course is ideal for anyone interested in the wonders of the universe and the tools used to explore it.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Apply the scientific method as it relates to astronomy. 2. Create accurate representations of the Solar System, including both diagrams and scaled models, to illustrate celestial bodies, their orbits, and relative distances. 3. Diagram the celestial sphere, including the definition and identification of constellations, key celestial objects, and directional points of reference. 4. Describe how Earth's motion and a person's location affect observations of the sky. 5. Outline how motion (including orbital motion) is characterized by Newton’s laws. 6. Apply Kepler’s Laws to analyze orbital mechanics, calculating the orbital periods and distances of celestial objects. 7. Summarize the relationship between gravity, mass, and distance. 8. Explain celestial phenomena, such as eclipses and lunar phases, by describing the movements and positions of celestial bodies. 9. Compare the composition and physical features of objects in our solar system to contextualize their origins. 10. Evaluate the geological features and relative ages of planetary surfaces, examining how these factors contribute to our understanding of planetary formation and evolution. 11. Compare and contrast refracting and reflecting telescopes, utilizing observational tools like virtual models and planispheres to identify and chart celestial objects in the sky. 12. Define the electromagnetic spectrum and measure the light spectra of various celestial objects, applying concepts like Wien’s Law to explore relationships between temperature and wavelength. 13. Investigate stellar characteristics by using absolute and apparent magnitudes to determine the age, size, luminosity, and distances to stars. 14. Classify stars using temperature-luminosity diagrams. 15. Assess the potential for finding Earth-like planets in other star systems, exploring the conditions necessary for life and the implications for future exploration. 16. Explain current theories regarding the fate of the Universe, such as the Big Bang Theory.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 115--Introductory Astronomy Laboratory
1 Credit This course explores the hands-on, practical applications of basic knowledge gained in the companion course, GE0 105. Exercises involve use of telescopes, observation of stars and constellations, stellar spectra, Hubble red-shift, astrophotography, and computer based exercises. Three laboratory hours.
NOTE: This course meets SUNY General Education Natural Science (and Scientific Reasoning) SUNY-NSCI requirements when both GEO 105 and GEO 115 are successfully completed.
Co-requisite: GEO 105. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Create a scaled model of the solar system. 2. Use simulation software to create star charts for any given date and location. 3. Predict the location of celestial objects using a planisphere. 4. Measure the light spectra of stars or galaxies using a simulated spectrometer. 5. Determine the period or radial distance of an orbiting object, using Kepler's Second Law. 6. Evaluate the relative age of planetary surfaces. 7. Identify the general types of meteorites. 8. Determine the distance to a stellar object using its absolute and apparent magnitudes. 9. Plot stars on a temperature-luminosity diagram using data gathered from a simulated photometer. 10. Evaluate the likelihood of finding an Earth-like planet orbiting another star.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 116--Special Topics in Geosciences
1-3 Credits This course is designed to address specific topics of interest in the geosciences. Examples of potential course offerings could include volcanology, mineralogy, climate change, or the study of a particular geographic region. Topics may change from semester to semester based on faculty and student interest. Primarily lecture format, but field experiences may be included.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Summarize the cause and effect relationship of natural events relevant to topics addressed by this offering. 2. Utilize the scientific method as a predictive tool. 3. Evaluate the effects of human activity on the natural environment. 4. Compare and contrast case studies.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 200--Geology of the National Parks
4 Credits This lecture and laboratory course explores the geological processes and earth history responsible for the development of the iconic landscapes found within the National Parks System, including Arches, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Great Smokies, Mammoth Cave, Shenandoah, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Zion National Parks, and others.
Prerequisite: GEO 101 or permission of instructor. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Summarize the purposes of creating national parks. 2. Identify iconic features preserved within national parks discussed in this course. 3. Identify rock and mineral samples present in some national parks. 4. Interpret data collected from topographic or geologic maps or geospatial imagery of national parks discussed in this course. 5. Explain the relationships among plate tectonics, the rock cycle, and landscapes preserved within parks covered by this course. 6. Predict how surficial processes will influence geologic features in the future based on observations. 7. Explain ways that human activities influence the preservation of the national parks.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 210--Environmental Geology
4 Credits This lecture and laboratory course will center around an in-depth discussion about the environment as related to resources, wastes, pollution, and geologic hazards. The consequences of use and misuse of our geologic environment will be stressed and explored in more depth in weekly laboratories. Course offered Spring of even years.
Prerequisite: GEO 101 Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the role of plate tectonics in the formation of Earth features. 2. Describe the origins of natural resources. 3. Compare and contrast alternative energy resources. 4. Identify point or non-point sources of pollution. 5. Describe potential solutions to environmental problems. 6. Explain the distribution of natural hazards. 7. Describe how human activities affect natural hazards. 8. Identify Earth materials including rocks and minerals. 9. Interpret maps, charts, or graphs that illustrate problems in environmental geology. 10. Test water or soil chemistry. 11. Identify potential hazards using geologic field data.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
GEO 295--Field Studies in Geology
4 Credits This course is designed for students who wish to study a specific geologic topic or locality in a focused, hands-on, field setting. A portion of the course work is completed during traditional weekly meetings on-campus, prior to the required travel to the field locality. The remaining portion of the course work is completed in the field at a local or distant location depending upon the title and focus of the course for a given semester. Students will make field observations, create sketches, record data, complete individual and group projects, and construct a field notebook detailing all aspects of their field experience. The course title will have a sub-title attached to it for any given semester identifying the field setting for that semester. For example, "Field Studies in Geology: Yellowstone Supervolcano and Geologic Landscapes of the West". Successful completion of GEO 101 (or equivalent introductory physical geology course) is recommended. Instructor approval is required for course registration. Additional fees for travel, lodging, food, and other field expenses will apply.
Prerequisites: One Geology or Geography class preferred; permission of the instructor(s) required Course Learning Outcomes 1. Identify geological, geographical, biological, or chemical factors that shape the field setting. 2. Record scientific observations at a particular field setting. 3. Interpret field observations to determine geologic history. 4. Utilize scientific equipment in the collection of field data. 5. Construct a scientific notebook containing field observations. 6. Execute field-based projects. 7. Report results of field-based scientific projects. 8. Identify the influence of plate tectonics in a given field setting.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025