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Course Descriptions

HSP 260 - Cooperative Education-Hospitality Management

4 Credits

Students who work or desire to work, either full time or part time at jobs related to their college major or career interests are eligible for Cooperative Education. Students take a career-related classroom seminar (2 hours per week on campus or online) while working at a job (180 hours per semester) in the area of hospitality management. Successful completion of the seminar, and a minimum of 180 hours of work experience in any one semester, entitles a student to receive four credit hours. A student's present job may qualify if related to hospitality management. Appropriate work experience must be approved by the instructor. Individuals must have completed 24 credit hours, with a 2.0 GPA. Exceptions permitted with permission from the instructor. It is recommended that this course is completed in the student's last semester or the summer prior to the last semester.

MCC General Education: MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and describe the various styles of leadership.
2. Identify and describe different types of workplace cultures.
3. Apply self-assessment techniques to various employment environments or opportunities.
4. Use job search skills to gain employment.
5. Explain how goals contribute to self-motivation, career objectives, or career planning strategies.
6. Explain effective methods of problem solving.
7. Explain effective methods of conflict resolution.
8. Discuss personal attitudes that will make for a productive individual.
9. Discuss the values and ethics associated with the development of productive individuals.

Course Offered Fall, Spring, Summer

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025